Thursday, September 17, 2009

Post-Clinic Report

Hi All,

Abby blogging, once again, from Boston--about as far from the action as I can get, but just a quick phone call away.

Mom and dad have asked me to throw a few sentences up on the blog just to give all the worriers/pray-ers/interested parties a quick update. They plan to post their FAR more detailed account of the last 24 hours sometime tomorrow, so check back.

They want to say sorry for the delay in communication, but they got stuck waiting around MDA all day because of some paperwork snafus (a missing signature, an incorrect date...). They met with Yao briefly this morning and, according to my text message from dad at 10:18, Yao said, "zero growth ... stable. We are ready to go." With this green light, mom got prepped to start receiving The Shot.

And by "got prepped" I mean "waited a few hours to give blood and then get the shot." There was a foot massage involved, but you can ask her about that later.

She wanted me to say she had a prizewinning shot-giver with whom she felt very comfortable and she's "already feeling the shot go to work." Now they know the drill they will be reenacting every 28 days or so for the next 2 years. Mom has just had, as she put it, the first course of a 24-course meal. Mmmm.

So all that to say, welcome (all of us) to the clinical trial. More from K&D tomorrow.



Unknown said...


Thanks for the update. I just KNOW she got the "real stuff"! Keep us posted as you know more.


Lora said...

Our children are such a rich blessing from God, and Abby has once again reminded me of this! We are praying the "Real Stuff" is doing its "Good Work".

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ab. These interwebs are something.
