Monday, February 4, 2008

Oops...I didn't make a post on Friday

...or Saturday or Sunday. Sorry for the lack of info, but the world of Ruston arrived with a flurry, and then there was a Sunday in there. Of course we saw most of you at church Sunday morning. Thanks for all your interest and kindness and concern.

All is well with our reinjection into Ruston and Christ Community Church. Kim is feeling well and is glad for no new "procedures". She has a follow-up with her surgeon tomorrow morning [Tuesday] and then we think we are through with docs and CT scans and waiting rooms until our follow-up with M D Anderson in 90 days or so.

We have so appreciated your attention to our travels and travails and this blog. I know some of your are a bit "freaked out" by being dragged into a blog, and worried that you can't figure out how to participate. Don't feel obligated to blog. Send me an email for goodness sake. I still check it!

This is my last blog for a while. We will fire it all back up when necessity dictates. I think Kim has a post coming sometime this evening, which I will send for her.

Otherwise we are back to the old email system.
Mine is:
Hers is:

We both check regularly, although I am more "regular" at it than she.

You all have been so sweet to come along with us on this rather frightening journey. We are encouraged that we serve a great God who is not confused by cancer--carcinoid or otherwise. We are grateful that we are surrounded by His people who love us and lift us up and stand at-the-ready to do anything. We so know that.

Thank you,


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